
مقاييس نفسية

Psychometric measures

Psychometric scales are tools used to measure various psychological variables, such as intelligence, personality, therapeutic, diagnostic, training, and others. It is commonly used by professionals in the psychological sciences and mental health.
علاج الاضربات النفسية

Treatment of mental disorders

Many people suffer from various psychological problems and disorders in their lives, and this may affect their overall health and quality in daily life. It is important to find the right treatment to deal with these problems and return to normal life. Therefore, I will provide you with some information about the treatment of mental disorders and the steps to take.
جلسات علاج نفسي

Psychotherapy sessions

Psychotherapy sessions are sessions conducted by individuals with a counselor qualified to provide psychotherapy. Psychotherapy sessions aim to help individuals deal with the psychological and emotional difficulties and problems they face, and improve their psychological and emotional quality of life.
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